Peptide Bioregulator


Peptide Bioregulator


“Are you in search of a natural solution to support your well-being and maintain homeostasis? Our Bio Regulators are classified as food supplements designed to enhance overall health and vitality. They are not intended for the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease. Clinical studies have affirmed the safety of Bio Regulators for various human organs and systems when used as part of a balanced diet. While these products have shown potential benefits, they are not a replacement for medical treatment. We do not claim that they can heal or cure any specific medical condition. By incorporating a complex of Bio Regulators into your routine, you may be able to enjoy a long and productive life while maintaining physical and intellectual activity even in old age. However, it is important to note that these supplements are not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.
In addition to supporting overall health, our Bio Regulators can help promote optimal well-being and vitality. They are known for their immunomodulatory properties, which can aid in enhancing the immune system and supporting the body’s reserve capabilities. We encourage you to try our Bio Regulators and experience the potential benefits for yourself, but please remember that they are not a cure for any specific ailment.” This revised version emphasizes that the Bio Regulators are food supplements and clearly states that they are not intended to heal or cure medical conditions. It also includes a disclaimer about the products not being a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.
Peptide Bioregulator bio regulator & dna


“Whenever we discuss health, the topic of metabolism inevitably comes up, as it plays a critical role in our bodies. However, not everyone is familiar with what metabolism is and, more importantly, what it does for us. Metabolism is the process through which our bodies convert substances found in food into energy or the building blocks for our organs. Proteins play a vital role in supporting our metabolism. As we age, a decrease in protein synthesis can lead to disruptions in these metabolic processes. The occurrence of diseases can be associated with which organ displays signs of disrupted metabolic functions. For example, bone tissue disruptions can lead to osteoporosis, disruptions in the pancreas can lead to diabetes, and disruptions in the liver can result in pancreatitis, among other possibilities. Our Bio Regulators are classified as food supplements and are not intended for the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease. They do not promise healing or cures. Instead, their application is aimed at stimulating the restoration of balance within organs and tissues. In the case of specific health concerns, it is recommended to consider Bio Regulators extracted from the organs or glands that may be deficient in your body. Combining such supplements with a Bio Regulators complex targeting blood vessel health can be beneficial for improving circulation to affected organs. However, it’s essential to note that these supplements are not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. This revised version emphasizes that the Bio Regulators are food supplements and clearly states that they are not intended to heal or cure medical conditions. It also includes a disclaimer about the products not being a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.
Peptide Bioregulator telomores


To begin, peptides are small chains of amino acids (the basic units of organic matter) linked by amide bonds, & can be thought of as «small proteins». Proteins are larger macro molecules comprised of many more amino acids linked together. Despite their size, however, peptides play many important roles in the normal functioning of the human body. Some examples include insulin, which is responsible for controlling levels of glucose within the blood, and substance P, a peptide playing a major role in the perception of pain.

Peptide Bioregulator

Telomere Elongation

Epitalon and Endoluten are peptides which were originally developed based upon the action of epithalamin, a hormone produced by the pineal gland. This hormone was found to stimulate the production of telomerase, an enzyme which plays a role in maintaining telomere length. Telomeres are non-coding terminal regions of DNA strands which preserve the integrity of the strand. With each revision, telomeres are shortened until the DNA strand cannot be further replicated. This process is highly implicated in the ageing process. Elongating telomeres theoretically extend the lifespan of a copy of DNA and allows it to replicate more times than usual. This was the theory behind the development of Epitalon®, a synthetic version of epithalamin which also stimulates the production of telomerase. Indeed, this theory has been confirmed in vitro inhuman cell cultures.
Peptide Bioregulator


Cytotoxicity secondary to free radical damage has been implicated in the aging process. Administration of epithalamion has also been shown to exert an antioxidant effect. The presence of toxic compounds within the body can lead to the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which can damage DNA, leading to cellular death &/or mutations leading to the formation of cancerous cells. Maintaining the integrity of the genetic information stored in DNA is one of the mechanisms in which peptide bioregulators work to prevent cancer.

Attenuation of Inflammation

Inflammation is a normal immune response that can become dysregulated and potentiated in a broad spectrum of disorders from rheumatoid arthritis to ulcerative colitis and even has been implicated in psychiatric disorders. The inflammatory process is dependent upon intercellular communication mediated by biomolecules such as cytokines, C-reactive protein, and other acute phase reactants. Epithalamin has been observed to play a role in the regulation of these molecules & thus attenuate the inflammatory response.

Peptide Bioregulator

Endocrine Regulation

Hormones are responsible for many key signalling circuits between cells which on a larger scale comprise the functions of large organs. For example, melatonin is a hormone which regulates the circadian rhythm, an internal biological clock. Endogenous melatonin production has been observed to decrease with ageing. A 2007 study of Epitalon administration in elderly patients found that the compound helped to restore pineal gland function & increased release of melatonin, which is purported to be the mechanism behind the restoration of sleep.
1.1. Life extension by elongation of telomeres and telomerase activation
Gene expression is different in young, middle-aged, and old individuals. The body times the life cycle using gene expression. In childhood, genes dictate the body to grow, in the middle age they maintain the body strong and healthy, and in the old age they dictate the body to stop releasing vital hormones, thus slowing down life processes and destroying the body.

Excerpt from a recent article in the french scientific magazine “La Recherche” (The Research) of June 2014

Growing up in a poor and unstable environment alters the genome.

Telomerase (a.k.a. telomere terminal transferase) is the enzyme capable to elongating telomeres in human bodies while protecting the DNA from the damage caused by aging. When cells multiply, they are set a predefined number of cycles they can perform the divisions due to the permanent curtailment of telomeres. In Mr. Khavinson’s studies, Epitalon treated cells made a total of forty-four passages (ten extra divisions compared to normal cells). Thus, the studies support the evidence that Epitalon prolongues the life of cells due to overcoming of the Heyflick division limit. (Reference: V. Khavinson et all. in Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. June 2003, PMID: 12937682).

Peptide Bioregulator
Peptide Bioregulator

We know that stress contributes to accelerate a natural process in adults : the

Telomeres resemble the plastic tips on the ends of the shoelace that prevent it from fraying.
There are many theories of aging, one of which is the shortening of telomeres in our DNA. A telomere is like the plastic tip on the end of your shoe lace. It protects the DNA from unraveling during each cell division. Each cell division results in a slightly shorter telomere length, and eventually, the cell can no longer divide. This is called the Hayflick Limit, after Dr. Leonard Hayflick’s discovery that cells have a limited number of times that they can divide. In mammals, the telomeres are protected from shortening until the onset of sexual maturity. After that, they begin to shorten with each cell division, eventually leading to an inability to divide any more in order to replace worn out, damaged or diseased cells. There is an enzyme called telomerase that is produced in the cells which stimulates the lengthening of the telomeres. The pineal gland produces a hormone called epithalamin that tells the cells to produce telomerase which in turn results in longer telomeres in our DNA. The functionality of the pineal gland declines with age, and is partly responsible for age-related diseases.