Category Archives: Blog
STEM CELLS and BIO REGULATORS AN INCREDIBLE PRACTICAL SOLUTION TO PROLONG HUMAN LIFE It is known that stem cells (SC) are capable of giving rise to cells of the hematopoietic series, which was established by co-cultivation of human embryonic cells
Our Peptide Lung Extract
Our Peptide Lung Extract It’s a natural peptide bioregulator that obtained from the bronchial mucous membrane of young animals. It is highly potent in preventing from the lungs diseases and regulating the functions of the whole respiratory system. It helps
Our lung extract is a natural peptide preventing from the lungs diseases
Our lung extract it is a natural peptide bioregulator that obtained from the bronchial mucous membrane of young animals. It is highly potent in preventing from the lungs diseases and regulating the functions of the whole respiratory system. It helps to treat
Retinitis Pigmentosa
Maintenance and restoration of functions of the eye, being one of the main sense organs, is among vital issues of modern medicine. 80% of information about environment people get by visual perception. Most of the professional and everyday activities have
Highly effective in restoring and protecting the function of the prostate gland
Prostate Extract It is a natural peptide bioregulator obtained from the prostate gland of young animals. Libidon is highly effective in restoring and protecting the function of the prostate gland. It is a potent preventative measure against prostatic hyperplasia, prostate
Peptide Eye extract
Its structure consists of the complex of amino acids which influence directly on the DNA structure of the eyes, replace damaged or aged molecules and restore the protein synthesis, thus providing optimal functionality of the visual analyzer. Visoluten is used to treat
BONOTHYRK – to Restore and Maintain the Functions of Parathyroid
BONOTHYRK – is a natural peptide complex that consists of the peptides obtained from the parathyroid gland of young animals. It was developed to restore and maintain the functions of parathyroid, treat disorders of the endocrine system, normalize the production of the parathyroid
Results reveal how discoveries may be hidden in scientific “blind spots” Cells need to repair damaged DNA in our genes to prevent the development of cancer and other diseases. Our cells therefore activate and send “repair-proteins” to the damaged parts