Category Archives: Blog
Are Peptides good for animals like cats and dogs?
Having a pet is simply fun; A pet can likewise help your wellbeing in significant ways. In any case, shouldn’t something be said about the wellbeing of your shaggy buddy? Is it true that you are as of now taking
Covid 19 Preventive or Treatment
COVID-19 is an unusual and unpredictable virus throughout structure, contagiousness, and pathogenic. The virus may lead to severe pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis, multiple organ failure, acute kidney, and heart damage. Nevertheless, Russian doctors have learned successfully to fight
You May Already Have Billions of Cancer-Causing Cells
You May Already Have Billions of Cancer-Causing Cells Privacy & Trust Info Latest Cancer News Drug Combo May Fight a Tough Form of Breast Cancer You May Already Have Billions of Cancer Cells COVID Vaccine Protection for People With Myeloma
What does bodybuilding, anti-ageing cream and Bleomycin (a cancer drug) have in common?
What does bodybuilding, anti-ageing cream and Bleomycin (a cancer drug) have in common? Peptides of course! Peptides are large molecules that are vital to life. If you were to take a protein and break it into smaller pieces, each piece
Decrease tumour incidence
Khavinson Peptides from the Peptide Bioregulator Company in Sweden It should be emphasized that Khavinson peptides selectively bind to specific DNA sites in vitro. They epigenetically regulate expression of genes, (oncogenes, telomerase gene, Interleukins genes, transcription factors genes) as well
Protector 3 Plus not only for humans
Protector 3 Plus Peptide Complex includes Endoluten, Vladonix, Bonomarlot “Protector 3 Plus Peptide Complex” is an innovative natural remedy that is suitable for people of all ages to maintain the immune system. It contains epiphysis, thymus, and bone marrow peptides,
Discovery of peptidergic regulation of ageing
It is known that specific limit of animal and human lifespan is approximately 30-40% higher than their mean lifespan. It could be referred to the impact of adverse factors causing changes in the gene structure and expression accompanied by disorders
Khavinson Peptides
Regulation of protein synthesis using Khavinson peptides Adding peptides to cellular cultures resulted in a tissue-specific stimulation of protein synthesis in the cells of the specific organ, from which these peptides were obtained. This effect of enhancing protein synthesis was
Vitual Laboratories PEPTIDE COMPLEXES 3 Peptides in 1 capsule
VITUAL Laboratories is one of the founding companies in the field of anti-aging technologies and peptide bio regulation. The company’s researchers from the Research and Development Department are recognized as the world’s leading scientists in the field of gerontology and
Peptide Cosmetic from Peptide Bioregulator Sweden
Peptide Cosmetic from Peptide Bioregulator Sweden The impact of adverse environmental factors (environmental, climatic, geochronopathogenic, professional, and psycho-emotional) causes the creation of free radicals in the skin cells which leads to disruption of the functions of various skin structures and,