Category Archives: Blog
Khavinson Peptide Complexes 3 active Peptides in 1 capsule
Therapeutic peptides are a fast-growing industry and many molecular therapies are being explored in the best companies and universities such as the Medical Institut in Saint Petersburg. This peptide mapping and synthesis research is providing interesting advances that allow biochemical
Vision Peptide Complex 3 Plus
Vision 3 Plus Peptide Complex by Khavinson Research Peptide Vision Peptide Complex 3 Plus is a complex of natural polypeptides that support and restore visual function. The use of bioregulators allows you to maintain vision at increased loads, reduce the
Sport Peptide Complex 5 Plus for Professional Athletes
Peptide complex Sport 5 Plus by Khavinson Peptide Research The peptide complex “Sport 5 Plus” is a natural remedy that improves metabolism in the tissues of the musculoskeletal system, accelerates recovery after physical exertion and optimizes energy consumption. The complex contains
Peptide Complex Protector 3 Plus by Khavinson Research Peptides
Peptide Complex Protector by Khavinson Research Peptides Suitable for improving the immune and endocrine systems at any age; Improves the quality of blood and the hematopoietic system as a whole; Increases blood melatonin levels, regulates circadian rhythms and improves sleep
Anemo 3 Plus Peptidkomplex 60 Kapseln – enthält Ventfort, Bonomarlot, Vladonix
Anemo 3 Plus Peptidkomplex Regeneriert die Energie im Körper Verbessert die Blattqualität, wirkt gegen Stress und stellt die Funktion des Immunsystems wieder her Füllt die Energie im Körper wieder auf Verbessert die Blattqualität Stellt Energieaustauschprozesse wieder her Wirkt gegen Stress
Peptide Complex Protector 3 Plus
Peptide Complex Protector by Khavinson Research Peptides Suitable for improving the immune and endocrine systems at any age; Improves the quality of blood and the hematopoietic system as a whole; Increases blood melatonin levels, regulates circadian rhythms and improves sleep
Khavinson Peptide Complex Anemo 3 Plus
Peptide Complex Anemo 3 Plus by Khavinson Research Peptides. “Anemo 3 Plus” is a complex of natural polypeptides that improve the functioning of the hematopoietic and immune systems, increase the body’s ability to resist adverse environmental influences. Regulatory peptides help to
Sport Peptide Complex 5 Plus
Peptide complex Sport 5 Plus by Khavinson Peptide Research The peptide complex “Sport 5 Plus” is a natural remedy that improves metabolism in the tissues of the musculoskeletal system, accelerates recovery after physical exertion and optimizes energy consumption. The complex contains
Gastro Peptide Complex 3 Plus
Gastro Peptide Complex The composition of the Gastro 3 Plus complex is selected in such a way as to regulate the work of the glands of the digestive tract, improve the function of digestion, and accelerate recovery from problems with
Clima Peptide Complex 3 Plus
Clima Peptide Complex by Khavinson Research Peptide. “Clima 3 Plus” is a complex of natural polypeptides that improves the functioning of the reproductive system of women. The complex compensates for the lack of regulatory peptides in the body, which strengthen