Category Archives: Blog
The New Generation of short Peptides “Peptide Complex-3 Peptides in 1 capsule”
The New Generation of short Peptides “Peptide Complex- “3 Peptides in 1 capsule” by Khavinson Peptide Research The intake of peptides rejuvenates organs at the cellular level, thereby improving their functionality. Rapid wear of body systems occurs in the
Vladimir Khavinson Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Vladimir Khavinson Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences – Member of the executive committee, Treasurer of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics – European region -First vice–president of the Gerontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences – Professor of
Regulation of gene expression with Khavinson peptides
Regulation of gene expression with Khavinson Peptides It was revealed that fluorescein isothiocyanate -labeled (FITC) small peptides penetrate into cytoplasm, nucleus and nucleolus of the HeLa cell. It is known that the nucleus of eukaryotic cells has a system of
Treatment for persons who are infected with the Covid 19 Virus
[pdf-embedder url=”Электронный-оттиск-J-Molecules-COVID-19-1.pdf” title=”Электронный оттиск J Molecules COVID-19 (1)”] [pdf-embedder url=””]
Regulation of gene expression with Khavinson Peptides
Regulation of gene expression with Khavinson Peptides It was revealed that fluorescein isothiocyanate -labeled (FITC) small peptides penetrate into cytoplasm, nucleus and nucleolus of the HeLa cell. It is known that the nucleus of eukaryotic cells has a system of
Application of Khavinson peptides
Application of Khavinson Peptides In a randomized comparative study which lasted for 15 years, in elderly people with premature cardiovascular aging, it was found that the administration of the medicinal peptide preparation ‘Epithalamin’ slowed down the rate of aging and
New Era of Epigenetic Regulation of Health – Bioregulator Company For over 40 years our main interest lies in the discovery, design and study of a new group of signal peptide molecules. Learning the mechanisms of action and their role
Take care of your body’s defense systems with peptide bioregulators. This combo contains 1 a month course of Vladonix Endoluten Taxorest; 60 capsules of each
Peptider för Covid 19-skydd
Peptider för Covid 19-skydd Ett av de mest effektiva sätten att stödja din kropp är med PEPTIDE-KOMPLEXER. De avgörande komponenterna är tymusreglerande peptider för immunsystemet – CRYSTAGEN, VLADONIX och regulatoriska peptider för lungor och bronkier – CHONLUTEN, TAXOREST.
Peptide zum Schutz vor Covid 19 infektion
Peptide zum Schutz vor Covid 19 Eine der effizientesten Möglichkeiten, Ihren Körper zu unterstützen, sind PEPTIDE-KOMPLEXE. Die entscheidenden Komponenten sind Thymus-regulatorische Peptide für das Immunsystem – CRYSTAGEN, VLADONIX und regulatorische Peptide für Lunge und Bronchien – CHONLUTEN, TAXOREST. Know More: