Epitalon and pineal gland
Epitalon and pineal gland
The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland located in the epithalamus close to the middle of the brain and it has the shape of a pine cone, hence the name. Structurally the pineal gland is composed mostly of pinealocytes, the cells that produce melatonin.
The pineal gland is an important bioregulatory system of the body that produces the hormone melatonin which has the role of controlling our biological clocks, our sleep and wake cycles based on the level of received light, and regulate certain reproductive hormones.
There are a few studies that show that besides melatonin there is a peptide made by the pineal gland called epithalamin that also has a big influence on health of the body.
“Most investigators have invoked melatonin as the primary mediator of the endocrine capabilities of the pineal gland. However, there is evidence that some of the effects of the pineal gland may be a result of pineal peptide secretion.”
Epithalamin a pineal peptide preparation
Epithalamin is also known and sold as Epitalon, it is a small peptide made of four amino acids (Ala–Glu–Asp–Gly) and a potent bioregulator that increases melatonin production, has antioxidant effects, inhibits the formation and growth of cancer, elongates telomeres, attenuates inflammation and helps regulate the endocrine activity in the body.
Pineal gland calcification
The pineal gland often appears in x-rays as calcified due to fluoride, calcium and phosphorus crystal deposits that accumulate with age.
There are many assumptions about what causes the calcification, among the reasons most mentioned including fluoride in water and toothpaste, food additives and artificial sweeteners.
Calcification rates of the pineal gland vary widely from country to country and are correlated with age, although cases have been observed even in children as early as 2 years old. Calcification occurs in an estimated 40% of Americans by their 17th year.
It is very important to maintain the proper functioning of the pineal gland due to the important work it does in the body, namely to ensure the proper transmission of nerve signals and ensure a balanced hormonal endocrine system.
How to decalcify the Pineal Gland
To prevent or to decalcify the pineal gland it is important to avoid the factors that lead there in the first place. Avoid using fluoridated water by using bottled water or a water filter, use a fluoride free toothpaste, if possible eat natural fruits and vegetables without pesticides, use supplements that stimulate the pineal gland such as raw chocolate, melatonin, epitalon (also a stimulant of melatonin), eliminate mercury fillings, meditate.
Epitalon helps in the decalcification process by having a reparative effect on the pineal gland by stimulating its activity and increasing the production of melatonin.
“Electron microscopy of the pineal gland in gamma-irradiated rats treated with epitalon revealed ultrastructural signs attesting to enhancement of its functional activity.”
Pineal Gland, Melatonin & Circadian Rhythm
Melatonin secretion by the pineal gland regulates the biological rhythms of the sleep-wake cycles. Melatonin is secreted in different amounts during the day and night reaching a peak during the night and although it does not induce sleep by itself it contributes to a good restful sleep.
The circadian rhythm is a cycle of biological activity based on a period of 24 hours responding primarily to light and darkness in an organism’s environment. These cycles can be disrupted by changes in the normal daily schedule such as working in night shifts or staying in artificial light during the night.
Jet lag is the same thing and it is happening due to fast changes in the environment that can throw off sleep and wake cycles. It becomes difficult to sleep at night and stay awake during the day and it leaves you with a sense of fatigue and irritation due to disruption of normal secretion of melatonin.
In this case, it has repeatedly been demonstrated that taking melatonin, or even better epitalon that increases the natural secretion of melatonin, close to the target bedtime of the destination can alleviate symptoms; it has the greatest beneficial effect when jet lag is the worst, when crossing many time zones.
Sleep disorders and old age
Along with age it has been observed a decrease in natural melatonin secretion. A study made in 2007 on epitalon use in older patients showed that it helped restore the pineal gland function and increase the secretion of melatonin, which is the basic factor in regulating and restoring normal sleep.
“In the course of aging both monkeys and people reveal decreased night and average daily level of melatonin in the blood plasma and reduced hormone circadian rhythm amplitude, which evidence the disorder of the pineal gland melatonin releasing function. Peptide preparations of the pineal gland (Epithalamin–a complex of peptides isolated from the pineal gland and Epitalon–synthetic tetrapeptide) recover night release of endogenous melatonin and lead to the normalization of the hormone circadian rhythm in the blood plasma. In elderly people Epithalamin and Epitalon modulate pineal gland functional state: people with pineal gland functional insufficiency report an increase of night melatonin level. The preparations of the pineal gland, effectively increasing melatonin concentration and having no side effects, can be used in clinical geriatric practice.”
Epitalon has an important role especially after the age of 40 years against aging not only by its action on the brain and pineal gland but also by increasing telomere length through its action as a telomerase activator.
People who regularly consume epitalon reported better sleep patterns and deeper sleep that are essential for repairing the body and strengthening the immune system. These effects are made possible by an increase in endogenous melatonin secretion.
Epitalon can provide you with a better sleep, an increase in the cognitive capacities of your brain and bio-regulate your whole body though the action of the pineal gland from which it was first extracted. It has been intensively tested in Russia for more than 25 years and taken even by the researchers for its anti aging and enhancing properties and it is increasingly used by more people worldwide.
ReferencesEpitalon influences pineal secretion in stress-exposed rats in the daytime http://www.nel.edu/23_56/NEL235602A10_Sibarov.htm
Experimental Studies of the Pineal Gland Preparation Epithalamin http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-59512-7_14
Twenty years of study on effects of pineal peptide preparation: epithalamin in experimental gerontology and oncology.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8010617
Normalizing effect of the pineal gland peptides on the daily melatonin rhythm in old monkeys and elderly people. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17969590
Reparative effect of epithalon on pineal gland ultrastructure in gamma-irradiated rats. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11329090?dopt=Abstract