Respiro 3 Plus Peptide Complex with Taxorest, Vladonix and Ventfort
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February 10, 2022
Take a deep breath and enjoy life every day!
The properties of the RESPIRO 3 Plus peptide complex make it possible to use it as a therapeutic and prophylactic supplement for various inflammatory pathologie of the respiratory system.
Bronchial peptides normalize the functional activity of epithelial cells lining the bronchopulmonary tree, improve mucociliary clearance and mucus production by bronchial glands.
Thymus peptides improve thymus function by stimulating the differentiation of T-lymphocytes. This accelerates metabolic processes in tissues, maintains an optimal ratio of immune cells, restores cellular and humoral immunity, and reduces the likelihood of exacerbation of inflammatory processes.
Vascular peptides affect the state of the vascular wall, improving its elasticity and normalizing permeability by stimulating the synthesis of collagen fibers, which contributes to effective gas exchange in the lungs.
Tags: BRONCHOGEN®, TAXOREST®., The crucial components are thymus regulatory peptides for the immune system - CRYSTAGEN®