SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN AND SAFE CANCER TREATMENTS specialises in providing Complimentary and Integrative Cancer Treatments, and opens up the field of oncology to greater possibilities beyond the conventional options of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery.
We treat the body as a whole to attack the cancer from as many directions as possible. Our extensive treatment portfolio comprises of more than 25 different treatments focusing on killing cancer cells, boosting the immune system, rebuilding health and supporting overall wellbeing.
Systemic and local hyperthermia
The overheating therapy for cancer and Lyme disease, too
is called hyperthermia, is experiencing a tremendous amount today
Upswing since it has succeeded, the whole body or too
only parts of it artificially at temperatures
to bring to 43 ° C.
Deep hyperthermia surface hyperthermia
Systemische und lokale Hyperthermie
Die Überwärmungstherapie bei Krebs und Lyme Disease, die auch
als Hyperthermie bezeichnet wird, erfährt heute einen enormen
Aufschwung, seit es gelungen ist, den ganzen Körper oder auch
nur Teile davon künstlich auf Temperaturen
bis 43° C zu bringen.
Tiefenhyperthermie Oberflächenhyperthermie